Can a friend marry you?
ow does it work?
To be legally married you do require an authorised marriage celebrant. However, this is not to say that you can't have a friend or a family member perform the ceremony, as well.
We've helped many couples be married by a friend - that person who knows the couple intimately.
The process is very simple and follows the normal procedures of making a booking and the legal paperwork right up until the actual ceremony.
Your friend can create the ceremony as they (and you) wish just as long as the authorised marriage celebrant delivers the monitium, hears the couple make their legal vows and then facilitates at the signing of the marriage certificates. All of this can be done quite quickly, enabling your friend to officiate the rest.
hat is the process?
Step 1. Make a booking
Step 2. Complete the NoIM
Step 3. Have your friend attend a 1 hour work-shop. (not compulsory)
At the workshop we can offer guidance for them to create and officiate at your ceremony. The cost of the workshop is $85 and they are run monthly on a Monday evening 5-6pm. Contact us for the next date.
Step 4. Your ceremony
Your authorised marriage celebrant will finalise the paperwork (as normal) and then liaise with your friend the best way to facilitate your ceremony and ensure you have an amazing ceremony delivered by that special person in your lives. No better way to get legally married!
or more informationn
For more information on how this could work for you and when we hold our workshops please contact us on 80033919 or email