This is not a confirmed booking.
A Lodgement Voucher is great if you are;
* are applying for a Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300)?
* are applying for a Shortening of Time?
* want flexibility in the date of your wedding ceremony?
* want to avoid the cost of rescheduling your ceremony?
* want to do the paperwork now and then book the date later?
Once you have purchased the Lodgement Voucher you can complete the Notice of Intended Marriage form and we can lodge it for you. From the date of lodgement, you can get married anywhere out from 1 calendar month to 18 month.
Once you are ready to set a specific: location, date and time please let us know and we will book it in and make arrangements for your to make payment (the standard booking fee for that location).
Guest Numbers:
This is not a confirmed booking. Once you are ready to confirm your booking date, time and location please talk to Simple Ceremonies to confirm availability. Then through Add-Ons, Convert Voucher to Ceremony.
Getting there:
This will depend on the specific location you confirm at a later date.
Wet weather:
This is not a confirmed booking. Once you are ready to confirm you booking date, time and location please talk to Simple Ceremonies to confirm availability.
Conditions of booking:
1. This does not include your marriage ceremony. This is just a prospective booking when enables you to complete the Notice of Intended Marriage. Then, once you have confirmed the specific date you would like to get married you will need to pay the standard booking fee.
g1a/48 Alfred St S, Milsons Point NSW 2061, Australia