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Shortening of Time
Location Info
Add-on Packages
No Add-ons
Why have your ceremony here?
Use this option if you would like to make an application for a Shortening of Time. Under, Federal Government legislation, under very specific circumstance, an application can be made to a Prescribed Authority to reduce reduce the normal one calendar month waiting period. Check out To commence this process of applying, you just need to purchase this Shortening of Time Voucher. ( When booking just select the first available date - we will then move this, to your specific date and location, if the shortening is granted. At this time the standard fee for the location is payable.)
Guest Numbers:
This will depend on the specific location you confirm once the Shortening has been granted
This will depend on the specific location you confirm once the Shortening has been granted
Getting there:
This will depend on the specific location you confirm once the Shortening has been granted
Wet weather:
This will depend on the specific location you confirm once the Shortening has been granted
Conditions of booking:
1. We understand, that this fee does not include your marriage ceremony. This is just a prospective booking which enables you to complete the Notice of Intended Marriage and have Simple Ceremonies make an application, on your behalf for a Shortening of Time. If the Shortening of Time is granted, the standard booking fee for you marriage is payable. 2. We understand that this fee is non-refundable and not conditional on your application being approve. 3. We understand that in additional to co
G1A/48 Alfred St S, Milsons Point NSW 2061, Australia
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