Who should you invite to your wedding ceremony?

Many couples say the hardest thing about organising their wedding is putting together the guest list.

Sometimes it is hard to keep the over-all numbers down. Of maybe there are just some people you would prefer not to be there (like Aunty Ethel for example - see above).

Then there are the people you want to invite but you don't want then to feel obligate ( and have to incur expenses).

COVID 19 has simplified the wedding invitation list.

It has done this in 3 main ways;

  1. Travel restriction have made it impossible for some people to come to your ceremony due to border restriction - both international and even, still, interstate (their always fear the boards will suddenly shut again).
  2. Exceptions of smaller wedding sizes. During the high of restrictions in NSW you could only have two guests at your wedding. This gradually eased (to 5, 10, 20 and now unlimited) but what this did was to "introduce" people to smaller wedding - and how special they could be ( and less hassle).
  3. Zoom. As with many aspects of life Zoom has changed everything. Couples getting married, quickly realised that Zooming their ceremony was the next best option to having all their guests with them - and a lot more convenient.

The outcome of all of this has been; much smaller ceremonies, using "COVID" to block couples you don't really want there and the embracement of video streaming - Zoom - bring people in from all around the world or just across the city.

So before you send your invitations, really think about who you want there - and just invite them.